
This is the Tilda studio blog where we post a little inspiration and wish you a creative day.

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These tiny egg hares, or bunnies as we call them at Easter, are just the cutest decor to have on your Easter breakfast or lunch table.
We all know the story about the Easter bunny so what could be more natural than little bunny baby eggs…

The main part of the step-by-step explanation below can be a useful guide for any Tilda doll or animal.
The pattern is an early Easter gift from us, enjoy!  EGG HARE PATTERN

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You will need: Tilda skin fabric and matching thread, pink embroidery yarn, filling, a cracked and washed egg, materials for making faces, and glue, preferably a glue gun.

You will also need a wooden stick like a flower or baking stick, and something like a toothpick for reversing small pieces.
We always print templates on sturdy paper, such as photo paper (paper weight 200-300 g).
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A- Fold the skin fabric in half, and iron.  Print and cut out the templates with a small sharp scissor.
B- Trace the body and two ears by using a thin waterproof pen.
C- Sew around the pieces on your sewing machine with a small stitch length, approximately 1,5 mm. Do not sew on the dotted lines, these mark the openings.
D- Cut out the pieces with a small sharp scissor leaving a small 3-4 mm seam allowance, and clip into the seam allowance of inward curves.
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E- Reverse with the help of the wooden stick.
F- Fold in the seem allowance around ear openings using the back of a toothpick or needle.
G- Iron the pieces, and stuff the body using the wooden stick.
H- Embroider a small snout.

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I- Fold the ears and sew them on.
J- Apply Tilda blusher, lipstick or similar with a dry brush to make the cheeks look rosy. Push two pins into the head to see where you want to position the eyes. Using the eye tool from the Tilda painting faces kit or the head of a small pin, dip into black paint and stamp eyes where you have marked the holes.
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Tack /baste along the bottom edge, tighten and fasten the thread.
Glue the hare into the egg and place the egg in a nice egg cup.

Have a good and creative weekend!

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